A Happy Reconciliation for all!
How do you offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to a complete parish when priests are so few?
By streamlining the Liturgy of the Word, Fr. Mike and Fr. Kevin Kelly, S.J. were able to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to some 50 parishioners during a Sunday Eucharist.
It must have been a joyful experience, for several people commented on the smiles that were on the faces of the children who celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The service was concluded with a Communion Service. Here is the comment of one person who has a Master’s Degree in Theology: “The directory for catechesis asks us to offer experiences of faith within the community. You have offered them a wonderful experience, one they will not soon forget, I am sure.
It was a wonderful opportunity for all to celebrate reconciliation, making it so easy for people to participate in this sacrament of healing.
It would be good to have more opportunities like that.”