Front Row, Left to Right
Tom Donohue - Collections/Tax Receipts
Maria D’Silva - Warden/Hospitality
Louise Matulis - Prayer Line/Hospitality
Ann Marie DiMichele - DRT
Brenda Leigh - Warden/DRT
Gerry Foley - Deacon
Rachel Buchanan - Music Ministry
Divine Renovation Team - DRT
Back Row, Left to Right
Fr. Mike Shaw - Servant Priest
Roy Douglass - DRT
Michelle Lewis - Children’s Liturgy, DRT
Craig Buchanan - Communications/DRT
Dr. Gohar Manvelyan - Music Ministry
Linda Jones - DRT
Bruce Gillies - Lector/Technical Support
David Ronan - Finance Support
Missing - Ellen Arnold - Warden/Hospitality/DRT
Sylvia DosSantos and Paul Kaiser drive the news at SEC. Say hello when you see them and share anything news worthy big or small.