Homily for 4th Sunday of Advent December 19th 2021
Well, here we are only 6 days from celebrating the birth of the Christ Child and it hardly seems a few days since we were announcing that we had 41 days to Christmas!
When we translate the first few words of the first piece of scripture which we heard from the prophet Micah, we heard “You, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah…”. Translated this means “Fruitful bread” – the name Bethlehem meaning Bread! And the reading went on to announce that whilst Bethlehem was one of the little clans of Judea (from which we get the word Jew), Bethlehem, although small would bring forth the ruler of Israel.
Obviously, Micah was referring to King David who was born in Bethlehem. And furthermore, David was the youngest of Jesse’s eight sons. So, even though David was not Jesse’s first born, it was David who came forth from Bethlehem and was anointed to become the King of the Jews. Here we see a typical G-d approach to selecting the right person. God does not choose the one others expected, not the first in line and often not even considered by others as the right choice, be those others the community, the family, the local village, town or city!
Put simply, G-d’s ways are not ours!
So, the one who will be the “Fruitful bread” will amongst other things, “save us”. The word “save” gives us the word “salvation” which means more than just saves – it also means to heal. It is from this word that we get the word “salve” which is defined as “an ointment used to promote healing of the skin or as a protection”. So, a broader definition of the word “salvation” would be to heal and protect!
When we consider the times when we are in need of healing, frequently, if not always, we had to go to the doctor, exercise, eat well, take in fresh air and do what the medical world advised. Indeed, many of us placed trust in the medical staff which should also be like the trust we would place in G-d! And when, after an operation, we saw the smiling faces of the surgeon, doctor or nurse, we felt our hearts leap for joy and the burdened we were carrying fall from our shoulders. For what was so memorable at the time was, that no matter how important or unimportant we were to society, we were going to be served by the healing presence of the medical world in the same way as everyone else.
When we heard ourselves reciting the psalm for today, “Restore us, O G-d let your face shine that we might be saved”, we have surely become aware that we have to be in the presence of G-d, so that we might know that G-d’s face is shining. This shining presence is both saving and healing!
And the message that G-d speaks to each of us through the scriptures continues with the second reading which was proclaimed in our midst. This portion of the message is so simple. It was that sacrifices and offerings are not what G-d wants, but rather having heard G-d’s word we commit our wills to living out that Word of G-d and this living out the Word of G-d is what makes us holy, sanctifies each one of us and ultimately heals us!
This Word of G-d is beautifully revealed to us by the coming and presence of Jesus – the Word made Flesh. This wonderful presence of G-d born in Bethlehem, the town of bread, becomes for us our holy bread and fruitful gift which we receive at communion.
So we are receiving, waiting and celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ of the House of David. And just as David was the least amongst his family, so G-d comes to us in the smallest of towns, the simplest of resting place called a manger and will, if we live our lives in harmony with G-d’s Word, slowly transform us also into fruitful bread, thus we are able to nourish those whose paths we cross, be it family, friends, neighbors or strangers.
He is nearly here – the Bread of Life – so let us by absorbing him into our lives also become a small portion of that healing, saving, fruitful and life-giving Jesus to and for others.
Then indeed we will reflect wonderfully the meaning of the fourth candle to be lit, which represents Love!
Let us then be the Advent people of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love to those around us, and be so full of those virtues, that we will not miss the incredible gift of the Hope giving, Peace sharing, Joy energizing and Love encompassing babe born in the manger who we know as the Christ Child.