December 12, 2021 3rd Sunday of Advent
“Sing aloud”, “Rejoice and exult with all your heart”, “Do not fear”, “Who gives victory”, “Rejoice over you with gladness”, “Exult over you with loud singing”, “A day of festival”, “Shout aloud and sing for joy”, “Give thanks”, “Proclaim his name is exulted”, “Sing praises”, “He has done gloriously”, “Shout aloud and sing for joy”, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say rejoice”, “Let your gentleness be known”, “Prayer and supplication with thanksgiving”, “People were filled with expectation”, “John proclaimed the Good News to the people”!
Eighteen joy filled, expectant, hope filled and glad statements said or rather proclaimed, within eighteen sentences from today’s scripture readings!
Do you think that the Word of G-d is trying to say something to us rather constantly, consistently, loudly and joyfully?
I do!
We can acknowledge that there are many tragic and painful events happening around the face of Mother Earth, but let us always realise that bad news will always draw more attention and attraction then good news!
Did it make headline news that you are caring for a sick spouse? Did the journalists write up the results of your visit to a sick family member or friend in hospital? Did the news media record the hug or kiss which you gave your child, grandchild or spouse? Did it make headline news that you have just finished cooking the 2000th, 4000th, 8000th or even 14000th meal in your 5, 10, 20 or even 40 years of marriage and running a family? Did it even make the back page of the newspaper that you held your first born grandchild and kissed its small exquisite head?
We all know clearly and without any doubt the answer to those questions.
But! But! But! Did you and I draw delight, hope, gladness, joy, exultation, light heartedness, or even excitement at the hearing of today’s good news?
It is clearly there for all to hear. Will you and I stop giving tremendous energy to reiterating bad news and allow ourselves to do some “G-d talk” or we might also say, “Good News talk”.
It is not so hard, for we just have to redirect our emotional and spiritual energy away from the nay sayers, and allow our thoughts, opinions and conversation to reflect the joy contained in today’s scriptures.
This is a Sunday called “Gaudate” Sunday, which is translated as “Rejoice” or perhaps “joyful”. According to the church the color of the third candle of Advent is not pink but rose! But it is fairly clear that the pink color of the third candle has become the color of the gay community.
So, before we realise it, and you do recall we have been reminded for the past three weeks. Remember when I made the announcement twice during my homily that there were 41 days to Christmas. We are now 13 days from the celebration of Christmas.
Let’s not waste the last few days of preparation for the wonderful and mysterious moment when our G-d becomes flesh. When our G-d enters fully our daily lives and in time, as Paul says in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians, “Became sin itself”. This is when G-d activates a timeless plan to free all of humankind from their senseless and meaningless mistakes and decisions.
So rejoice my sisters and brothers. Be glad my sisters and brothers. Exult my brothers and sisters and truly let yourself become a temple of the Holy Spirit which is filled with joy and rejoicing, regardless of what is happening in our beautiful Mother Earth.
And perhaps we will remember this simple ditty: (Sing) “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say rejoice!”
Now I invite you to sing this little ditty with me – don’t be shy!
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say rejoice. Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say rejoice!” X2
Happy Advent everyone!